Counseling Center
Student Support
Developing Critical, Creative, & Conscientious Individuals
Academic, Emotional, College & Career Support
The mission of the school counseling program at Uplift Community High School is to encourage students to become critical, creative thinkers and conscientious individuals by nurturing academic achievement, providing a sense of belonging and self-confidence to all students, preparing students for post-secondary success by cultivating skills in ethical decision making and social responsibility, and keeping social justice and equity at the forefront of our practice.
We envision a school that works hard for and genuinely cares for its students, students who are mindful and confident, and a community that recognizes Uplift as a hub of culture and education.

Meet Your Counselor
Hello! My name is Kate Ford and I am the school counselor at Uplift Community High School. My job is to provide support to students academically, emotionally, and with college/career prep. Feel free to email me with any questions, concerns, or suggestions as to what I can do to make Uplift the best place it can be.
Katherine Ford
8:00AM - 3:45PM | Monday - Friday
My office will be open to students/parents/teachers/visitors from 8am-3:45pm, M-F, at a minimum. Students need a pass from their teacher if they need to leave class to visit me, but are free to drop in before or after school, or during lunch. Parents and visitors, please email me with at least 24 hours notice if you would like to come by in person to talk. I cannot guarantee that I will be available for unexpected guests.
Embracing the Therapeutic Power of Art
Witness the transformative power of art as it bridges cultures, sparks conversations, and inspires change. Explore our state-of-the-art art studios, witness the guidance and mentorship of our experienced faculty, and discover how Uplift provides a nurturing environment for artistic exploration and expression.

School Closure Resources
Please check out this list of resources for support with difficulties related to school closure & the COVID-19 pandemic, such as crisis lines, food and housing support, and mental health services.
Remote Learning Individual Support
Free SEL Resources
In-School Support

BAM (Becoming A Man) Small Group

Chronic Stress Small Group

Loss / Trauma Small Group

Mindfulness Small Group

Peace Circles

Check-in / Check-out

Individual Therapy

Individual Counseling

Psychiatric Evaluation
Prepare for Post Secondary Success
Learn Plan Succeed
Uplift Community High School's Counseling Department believes that every student can succeed in their post-secondary life and find the college and/or career of their dreams. We believe that there is no one 'right' pathway for students to take, but a myriad of opportunities that will help our students find fulfillment and joy.
Learn Plan Succeed is a Chicago Public Schools graduation requirement that states that each student must leave high school with a concrete post-secondary plan. Students must provide proof of pursuing one of the following pathways:

2 Year College or University

4 Year College or University

Part Time or Full Time Employment

Apprenticeship / Job Training Program

Gap Year Program

Military Enlistment

Post Secondary Resources
Your go-to spot to learn about college/career possibilities, search for info about colleges, and request transcripts for schools that you apply to.
College Search / Applications
AWESOME website for finding the right school for you--search by location, size and programs offered.
Fill out one application and send it to many schools! A number of popular schools require you to apply via the Common App, such as DePaul, UIC and Bradley.
Financial Aid
National scholarships. Fill out a profile and you will be matched with scholarships you are eligible for.
Similar to College Greenlight, but includes scholarships specifically for CPS students! This is the best website for CPS students to access and apply for scholarships.
Use the CB website to see your SAT scores, send scores to schools, register to re-take the test, and join your AP classes.
High School Course Requirements for College Sports
Register here for athletics at smaller colleges/universities
Graduation Requirement
Service Learning
Starting with the class of 2020, students are no longer required to complete 40 hours of community service as part of the community service graduation requirement.
Instead, students are required to complete 2 service learning projects, both of which will take place in class and will be graded as assignments. One project must take place in civics class, and the other one can take place in any other class.

What is a Service Learning Project?
In order to qualify as a Service Learning project, an in-class experience must include the following components:
Students prepare for their service by learning about the issue, building their skills and knowledge, and developing an action plan for service.
Students engage in meaningful service by working on a project that will make a difference in their community and is tied to their classroom curriculum.
Teachers enable students to analyze and make sense of their experience through discussion, journaling, and presentation opportunities.
Please contact Ms. Ford, Uplift's service learning coordinator, at Please also feel free to check out the CPS Service Learning Page with more details and FAQs below.

Need Help
Meet With Ms. Ford
I'm available 8:00am - 3:45 on Mondays - Fridays. To set up a time to meet, email me at